
the assemblage of / for / by service-based entrepreneurs


emergent is currently closed.

but if you’re interested in joining when it opens again, keep reading.

your business is alive.

i know you feel it.

and if you can’t, emergent can help you connect with that feeling.

entrepreneurs aren’t like everyone else.
we’re different.

we spend our lives in the dynamic tension of owning our expertise, improving our craft, staying inspired, and returning endlessly to a heart of service. we wake up at dawn to furiously scribble ideas. we spend five days on the couch, immovably awaiting inspiration to strike. we live, eternally asking, how can i better serve my people? how can i continue to grow? how can i innovate?

babe, i get it! so rather than trying to explain it to susie from high school or auntie mabel or your barista, rexford, why don’t you give yourself the community and support you (and your business) are craving?

join emergent.

your business is a relational becoming. an emergence.

not “just a mastermind.”

emergent has been designed with bravery, integrity, expansion, and creativity in mind.

for almost five years, i have been curating spaces for entrepreneurs to come together and inspire one another, lean on one another, and empower one another toward true growth and powerful leadership. emergent is the culmination of all of the wisdom i’ve integrated from each of these experiences.

it’s a space to transcend the “shoulds.” of our industries. of our identities. of our communities. it’s a space to challenge, to disrupt, to share in the heartbreaking beauty of entrepreneurship, to celebrate, and to walk a path that is as energetically aligned as it is strategic.


the origin story

it was 6:30 in the morning, and it was pouring rain. i woke up (several hours before i normally do!) and somehow the entire framework for emergent came pouring out onto the page.

loquacious though i am, i’ve never considered myself a poet. i’ve never really considered myself an artist at all. and on this rainy morning, it smacked me in the face.

what if this journey of entrepreneurship, with all of its spiritual insight, its gritty shadows, its biting lessons, and its bleeding heart, what if this is the poem?

what if my business is the poem?

what if our success has nothing to do with algorithms or copy / paste strategy or trends or going viral and everything to do with learning to show up and live in the emergent becoming of our desires?

and how powerful, how utterly transformative, would it be if we came together in honor of that truth? what could we create? how would our love, our artistry, our service, echo through time and space?

what’s included

  • time.

    for the duration of your commitment, emergent features two 90-minute coaching calls each month. the group calls are a chance to practice deep listening, receiving support, and real-time collaboration.

  • space.

    within this spacious framework, limitless voice and text support are included throughout. this allows you to hone the art of learning to ask for what you need, practicing solution-focused leadership, and opportunities to problem-solve collectively.

  • "quantum" leverage.

    a “quantum” of something (simply) refers to the smallest amount of something that produces a change / result. the quantum potential of a healthy mastermind is in harnessing the energy of the assemblage for dynamic and sustainable growth.


  • this is for service-based entrepreneurs in a process of scaling to (and beyond) the six-figure mark.

    unlike private coaching, it is COMMUNITY-FOCUSED and requires dedication to the group and respect for the integrity of the container.

  • service-based entrepreneurship typically refers to those who offer a service, as opposed to a physical product. (digital products fall under the umbrella of service providers, because their business model is not reliant of physical goods or shipping.) that said, if your business offers a small-scale, bespoke product (like a custom garment, artwork, or photographs), emergent is open to you.

    examples include: coaching, therapy, training, consulting, real estate, hair, course creator / educator, domestic services, birth work, tech support, design, etc.

  • the most current pricing and payment options will always be available in the application. check back to see when it will be available again.