

read. listen. learn.

read. listen. learn.

5 daily actions to ground into enoughness

this is a downloadable booklet to help you in times where it feels as though you’re never doing “enough.” this is a practice i share with all of my private clients, and you’ll be happy to know it’s simple. you can start it today. and you can customize it to make it feel like your own.

content-led launch strategy for service-based entrepreneurs

this little booklet is truly packed with information, insight, and tangible steps you can take. literally right now. from planning your offer (and making it irresistible) to marketing it, and even giving you three weeks’ worth of content inspiration so you can sell it out, this little baby packs a punch. (i promise you, it’s the same thing i do for all of my launches. it works. for sure.)


21 days to giving fewer fucks in your business

anyone who’s ever met me knows i give so many fucks. but the key here is learning which fucks to keep giving, and which fucks are keeping you tired, keeping you underpaid, and keeping you stuck in worry and self-doubt. this 26-page booklet covers the six commandments for giving fewer fucks in your business. this frees you up for more pleasure, more joy, and more wealth. not just in your business, but in your life!

reflections on 2022 & intentions for 2023

the transition from one year to the next is such a potent time for reflecting on the year that’s passed and setting intentions for the year to come. this is, of course, an exercise that can be done at any time of year, whenever you’re ready to dive in.

*i know that these offers are free in terms of monetary investment, but i also want to acknowledge that they’re not entirely free. i ask for your email address, your time, and your energy in engaging with the materials i’ve provided. please know that i take that responsibility very seriously, and i won’t take it for granted. these offers are truly valuable, and i hope that the content i provide via email in the future is worthy of your attention.

join wild embodiment.

wild embodiment is my free, online community where i offer longer form video trainings, live Q&As, and access to pre-sale pricing before it’s available anywhere else.


this is a small sample of some of the podcasts for which i’ve been interviewed over the years. please keep in mind these were all recorded in different seasons of life, and as a result, both the way i talk about my work and the way i self-identify may currently be different.