step into the fire.


if you want to live a life on fire, you cannot be afraid to burn.

start with an intensive.

if you’re considering working with me 1:1, i highly suggest starting with an intensive.

we meet together for a 90-minute video call (with replay) followed by a week of voice notes and texting for integration support.

after our call, you have one month to decide if you’d like to stay on as a client. if you stay on as a client, the total cost of your intensive is deducted from your investment.

to book an intensive, click here.

the cost of an intensive is $1111 and does not require filling out the application. after your payment, i will email you at the email address on your invoice to confirm a time and date.

i will tell you this.

your desires are a gift from the divine. and your fulfillment of them is your gift back.

so it is our sacred responsibility to remember that our desires are calling us into being. into the next now-moment of our infinite becoming.

experiencing a desire is not a mistake. it’s not happenstance or randomness. our desires are medicinal, for both us and for the world. and it is the greatest opportunity available to us to learn how to hold them, how to grow into them, and how to live from their richness.

something about me

i’m not a “girlboss.” i’m not here to convince you to get back on the grindset or reduce your contribution in this life to your work output. i work with creatives, artists, visionaries, and seekers of all genders and backgrounds to use the work of mindset and coaching to cultivate joy, pleasure, and abundance in a way that honors your humanity, not just your productivity.

ready to commit?

join the year of 1:1.

client feedback


“booking the 1:1 with you was one of the best decisions i ever made. honestly … and not only are the messages (and this container and the sessions) so helpful, i am also noticing my [personal] growth since we started working together.”

— lilli n.


my journey has been truly and honestly transformative. i am working on no longer being a doubter of my own worthiness, trapped in a world i created to essentially keep me right where i was, despite job changes, income increases, relationship status. i’ve only just begun.”

— megan c.

“i won’t lie, this has been the most monumental exercise in trust and surrender ever in my life. wouldn’t be here in any kind of okay-ness if it weren’t for you and our work together. you legitimately changed my life, rae.”

— dom v.


rae entered my life and changed e v e r y t h i n g for me. she is so smart, it scares me. they are so loving, it astounds me. you should work with her in any capacity you can when they’re available.”

— haley j.